The Murder on the Links
Some quick thoughts on my second Poirot novel! Very good mystery and very unexpected things going on!

This was a fun book of detective fiction to read along with @isa. It had been a while since I’ve read something that was not science fiction, and I was feeling like going for another work by Agatha Christie, so, I went with the second novel featuring Hercule Poirot inveatigating a rather curious case!
Basically, after getting a letter from some rich guy in France, Poirot heads over to help him solve his case, only to find out he has been murdered before he could get there! So, Poirot decides to solve the mystery behind his mysterious demise and find out who did it. Things get only more and more complicated as new findings come to light and even a whole new corpse is found too…
This one was fun! The mystery was pretty cool and it left lots of clues that would make the reader be able to guess who is behind everything! But of course there’s many things that only complicate the investigation further.
The characters were rather fun, Hastings and Poirot are as charming as ever, there’s a bit of a Sherlock Holmes parody detective too that gives us plenty of misinterpreted clues and hypotheses, and a couple of interesting female characters as well that added to the story.
I think I liked this one more than the first one, which had so many names it was hard to track who was doing what. Everything was more understadable to me this time, but I guess it helps that I was ready for it from the start.
To read this I used my Kobo and a physical copy I got from a book fair in my state, my sister got it for me while I was at work, and it was a pretty nice paperback edition! It had a pretty neat font too I gotta say.
Anyway, nice book! I am looking forward to read some more of Poirot’s adventures.
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