October 2024 Summary

The ways I spent my time during the month of October of 2024, at least when it comes to media and entertainment.


I have to say that during this month I felt like I didn’t listen to that many new podcasts, or new episodes at all, I actually didn’t reach 60 hours of listening this month, and stuck with the same shows as always.

I can’t really say a lot of new stuff or highlights about these since I mention them every month, so yeah, just the names this time

  • Into The Aether for 15.1 hours
  • Trash Taste for 10.6 hours
  • Welcome to Night Vale for 6.9 hours
  • Late Night Linus for 5.3 hours
  • Retro Game Time Machine for 3.3 hours
  • Unexplained for 2.4 hours


Even though I didn’t really watch any anime or shows this time around, I did watch more movies than usual, which was quite interesting to me.

  • Transformers One was not a movie I expected to like enough to even write a review of it, it is actually a fantastic movie that I recommend watching at some point, both fun and tragic, and it works!
  • Casino Royale was the first of Daniel Craig’s James Bond movies, and it is a very fun time! I think it was a little long, we actually watching it in two days because of that, but it was still pretty good.
  • Quantum of Solace is the black sheep of these newer Bond movies, and I can see why, as the direction and fight scenes felt a lot clunkier, but I still enjoyed it for what it was.
  • Skyfall regains its footing and has a lot of epic Bond movies, neither of these three movies (maybe the first one) is a masterpiece but hey, they kept me hooked so that’s good.
  • Hercules (the Disney one) was started by my sister on a whime and I just kept watching it, the animation of this movie remains stellar and I wish more 2D animated movies were a thing.
  • The Thing from 1982 remains one of my favorite movies due to its direction and fantastical practical effects, and even though I am not a fan of horror as a whole, just the plot and concept of this one is absolutely fantastic, frightening and scary.


  • Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey from the Expanse series was not finished this month, but I only have like 10 chapters left now, I have really enjoyed my time with it, and the only reason I didn’t finish it was because of procrastination and also that I didn’t want to get ahead of my book club.
  • Black Easter by James Blish is a rather interesting book set in a world where magic and demonology are actually real, and I started it on a whim when I catched up on the previous book too quickly. It is rather interesting and I’ll probably finish it in November as well.


Jujutsu Kaisen was everything this time, so, not a lot else to talk about as other non-mange things entertained me more this month.


Dungeon Meshi was watched up to episode 13 with my sister, still awesome! And it got some interesting plot developments, I hope we finish it in November.


  • Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade is a tactics RPG I started playing ages ago, I recently got back into it on my Anbernic RG35XX SP and it is honestly really fun!
  • Nintendo Switch Sports was a recent purchase and I’ve played with family and friends at home, it is quite a relaxing game. I am a bit annoyed that there are still many games missing from Wii Sports and Resort that did not get an update for this game, but it is how it is.
  • WEBFISHING is a very interesting fishing game where you can play online with others and chat while fishing and collecting different things. It is a rather relaxing and cozy game that I feel everyone should try!
  • Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition was started early in the month and has pretty much become my night time videogame, so far the early hours of the game are rather nice, and every time I load up the game it tells me how the story is going so far, I really just getting back to it, playing 30 minutes and always reaching a good point to save, or just put the Switch to sleep and continue later.
  • Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown had a lot of momentum the first week of the month, playing like 8 hours of it in just 3 days, but other things got in the way. I must finish it in Novebember, it has proven to be a fantastic game and I just keep doing other things, but it is definitely my top game of the year.
  • Astroboy Omega Factor for the GBA was a little gem I didn’t expect to enjoy as much, I think I played like 3 hours of it in a day and I think I will finish it soon this month, if I remember to pick it back up.
  • Monster Hunter Rise saw some action later in the month, playing online with a friend and teaching them the ways of the hunter. I look forward to playing some more during these last couple months.
  • Faster Than Light was not played much, but the last week of October I managed to finally reach the final stage and I almost defeated the final ship, I only needed to do one more hit, but it wasn’t meant to be…

Device usage

For some reason, this month I decided to try an app to chat with random people around the world, I do not think the app is really good UX-wise, but it somehow kept me entertained a lot, cutting down a lot of my YouTube usage and Manga reading. As I met interesting people to chat with, I moved to other apps, I only used it like 4 hours in the last week of October and it’ll probably see less usage later on.

Regardless, here are the stats.


I used my laptop for a total of 81 hours

  • Firefox for 55 hours
  • GIMP for 5 hours
  • Alacritty for 4 hours
  • WEBFISHING for 5 hours
  • Faster Than Light for 2 hours


I used my phone for 222 hours

  • Bottled for 44 hours
  • WhatsApp for 30 hours
  • YouTube for 30 hours
  • Signal for 20 hours
  • Firefox for 18 hours
  • Tusky for 17 hours
  • Discord for 14 hours
  • Instagram for 8 hours
  • Mihon for 4 hours


During October, I read for a total of 12:42 hours, 748 pages:

  • Leviathan Wakes for 9:39 hours, 568 pages
  • Black Easter for 2:30 hours, 138 pages

Final thoughts

So, yeah, a lot of my time was completely stolen by that chatting app, but I think I’m over it now, and I want to focus on both reading and gaming more this month of November, as well as writing a lot of blog posts! I actually joined #WritingMonth with the goal of 15 blog posts before the month ends.

This is day 85 of #100DaysToOffload


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