August 2024 Summary

What I did in August, from podcasts and manga, to binge-watching another anime and actually reading a book for once!

Monthly Summary August 2024

Here’s what I did this month!


I listened to 96 hours of podcasts! Although a fair amount of that was while asleep.

Anime & Shows




Device usage


I am not sure why but I think I kinda borked my ActivityWatch data for this month, I don’t really know what happened exactly, but I’m fairly angry right now…


I used my phone for 223 hours which is kind of horrifying but welp.


Final thoughts

Anyway, I lost my laptop data but I am quite sure I didn’t use it very much anyway. Especially because of the anime binge-watching I did earlier in the month as well as the manga and book reading. And of course, the amount of YouTube I consumed.

I guess everything always balances out and it is what it is. Regardless, have a good day everyone!

This is day 68 of #100DaysToOffload


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