August 2024 Summary

What I did in August, from podcasts and manga, to binge-watching another anime and actually reading a book for once!

Here’s what I did this month!


I listened to 96 hours of podcasts! Although a fair amount of that was while asleep.

  • Trash Taste had some really entertaining episodes recently so of course I listened to some of them!
  • I listened to many of the Late Night Linux Family shows, more than usual for some reason.
  • The Vergecast was also really interesting lately, with their episodes about Gemini and Google being a monopoly
  • Stuff You Should Know was indeed awesome
  • Darknet Diaries was left behind for a bit lately, but not anymore
  • Into The Aether had some fun stuff, but they took a break for a bit so, yeah.
  • Dungeons and Daddies was also fun, I am following season 3 as episodes come out.
  • Relatos de la Noche remained on top, as my new favorite for night time listening.

Anime & Shows

  • Dr. Stone was pretty unexpected, but I chose it on a whim and I basically caught up with it and now I’m just waiting for the time a new season, probably the last one, comes out. The plot is quite interestin; in a world were humanity got turned to stone, pretified for millenia, and the elements deteriorated every building and sight of its existence, leaving almost nothing left. By sheer luck, a teenage scientist breaks out of his petrification, and decides to figure out how to undo petrification and build back civilization with the power of science!

  • Loki season 2 was quite the ride, I watched it with a friend in 2 days and it was pretty entertaining, I really like the timey-wimey stuff in it. There were some great developments but my biggest take-away is that I want to watch Doctor Who again.


  • Sakamoto Days made a return with all of its might. I had forgotten how crazy it went with a lot of its fight scenes. I appreciate the creativeness of a lot of its panels and how things developed, it got me hooked until I catched up to its latest chapter. There are a ton of stunning visuals here and I can only hope the anime for it—they definitely have took their time releasing one—manages to do it justice. I am on chapter 178.

  • DanDaDan is got a lot of reading time from me as well, but I still a few dozen chapters until I catch up with it. Still, the arc I read was totally crazy like always, but a bit smaller in scale. Despite this, the new character is definitely among my favorites now. I am on chapter 129 so far.

  • Creature! is a manga I started a while ago and that I found totally amusing to read, it wasn’t good in the same sense as SD or DDD, but its art was too good for a story that kept going all over the place. I kinda want to find more stories like this of humans surviving some world full of unsurmountable creatures and dangers in some apocalyptic world that also has a serious tone, other than Attack on Titan I guess, which also evolves into something different but in a better way.

  • How to Grill Our Love is maybe my favorite cooking manga—a.k.a. the only one I’ve read—with a wholesome marriage in the middle of it all. I don’t know what else to say, its a pretty comfy read and I want to it all the food being cooked in it.


  • Final Fantasy VI has been really enjoyable, I played a ton of it last month, pretty much a third of the story is complete.
  • Monster Hunter Rise has also seen a revival, I am almost done with the village quests and I’ll be doing some of the Guild quests soon enough. I really want to get some new gear though, like the Nargacuga set and some more elemental weapons.
  • Trails in the Sky FC saw some progress early in the month, but it stalled for a bit later on, I’ll still try and return to it since its been super enjoyable.


  • Hothouse by Brain W. Aldiss is a book I returned to after a while focusing on gaming instead of reading. The story has evolved in unexpected ways and I want to finish it quickly in September to focus on another book!

Device usage


I am not sure why but I think I kinda borked my ActivityWatch data for this month, I don’t really know what happened exactly, but I’m fairly angry right now…


I used my phone for 223 hours which is kind of horrifying but welp.

  • Youtube for 52 hours (help)
  • Facebook for 25 hours (help)
  • WhatsApp for 20 hours (help)
  • Aniyomi for 19 hours (Dr. Stone lol)
  • Tusky for 17 hours
  • Discord for 15 hours
  • Firefox for 12 hours
  • Mihon for 11 hours
  • Signal for 9 hours


  • I read Hothouse for for 4 hours and 8 minutes, 204 pages

Final thoughts

Anyway, I lost my laptop data but I am quite sure I didn’t use it very much anyway. Especially because of the anime binge-watching I did earlier in the month as well as the manga and book reading. And of course, the amount of YouTube I consumed.

I guess everything always balances out and it is what it is. Regardless, have a good day everyone!

This is day 68 of #100DaysToOffload


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