Going out by myself

Some thoughts about going outside to just chill and not be in my house all the time

I don’t really go out, I prefer to stay at home, and when I do go out by myself, it’s to work, sometimes a friend’s house, or a shop, or the doctor. I guess the only other activity I do outside is going to the gym! And while I’ve been enjoying it, it’s still more of a task or a habit rather than being out there, you know what I mean.

Going out for fun is something I only really do with my family nowadays, we walk at a mall or go to the movies or a park—typical wholesome family bonding time.

I think I was listening to an episode of Into the Aether—will there ever be a week where they’re not mentioned at this point?— where one of the hosts talked about going out to a coffee shop and gaming on their handheld with nothing else to worry or care about, and I thought that doing something like that would be pretty cool.

But then again, why not do it at home? I’m not sure, I guess a change of scenery would not hurt, in fact, there are many times where my parents would be like “stop playing videogames and go do something productive!”—going outside to play videogames is still not productive, but at least they wouldn’t be there to tell me. 🤪

Maybe I could go to the library, bring my Kobo and read there instead of my bedroom. There’s plenty of options if I were to really look. On my last weeknotes I mentioned I performed card magic again to my friends and it was a fun time, perhaps I could do that too for strangers in the streets. That’s just wishful thinking to be honest, although carrying a deck of cards won’t hurt.

I won’t lie, part of me also wants to meet people that way, get asked “hey, what is that device you are reading with? 🤔” or “is that a Game Boy Advance SP?!? 🤯” and geek out about such things with people in the real world. It’s something I’ve always liked doing even if I am terrible at verbally explaining myself.

In the end, work gets in the way, and I’d rather stay at home or go with family during the weekends. I guess something has to change if I were to try this seriously. Who knows? I’ll report back here if something happens. Or let the status quo keep going, which is more plausible, honestly.

This is day 27 of #100DaysToOffload


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