Games to beat before buying more

I realized something obvious, I have too many games. So, I decided to commit to beat at least 5 of the ones I have, before buying another one!

I recently did an spreadsheet of all the games I have for my Nintendo Switch, and had to face the harsh realization that I’ve really gone overboard with the amount of games I’ve bought, given that I’ve only actually beaten around 11 of them, and only 4 of them have been beaten this year.

For this very reason, Amin, among other friends, reached out and pleaded me to stop buying and just play what I already have.

Therefore, I’ve picked 5 games I own that I want to beat before I actually buy another one. This is not a definitive list, as long as I beat 5 games I’m good, but these are the most likely candidates for me:

  • Hollow Knight: I’m having a blast playing the Switch port of this game, after playing it on PC for around 6 hours a couple years back, I am going back to this and I want to commit to it until the very end, it is the quintessential indie Metroidvania, so I have to beat it now. So far, I’ve played around 4 hours of it, and I’m already where I was last time, so everything from here on will be brand new for me. I fear that playing it after Prince of Persia might make me miss some of the QOL stuff, but I hope that what it has to offer is enough for me, which has been the case so far.
  • World of Goo: I know absolutely nothing about this game, all I know is that my friend Amin is a huge fan, and I’ve decided to give it a try based on his advice. It is likely I’ll play it after I beat Hollow Knight. I know nothing of the gameplay or the story, so I don’t know what to expect!
  • I Was a Teenage Exocolonist: This game was featured in the Into The Aether last year if I recall correctly, but it was also recommended to me a while ago by @sotolf. This is an RPG where you grow from teenager to adulthood in an exocolony, developing relationships and making decisions. I’ve played it for a 7 or so hours, but I can tell I still have much to discover and experience, I want to complete it soon enough.
  • Ys Origin: The Ys series interests me a lot, I had a blast playing through Ys Seven on my PSP, and I want to have some of that again! I own Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, but it is much longer. This entry serves as a prequel to everything, and it is about 12 hours long to beat, so I want to have an Action RPG to sink my teeth into without having to grind much.
  • Dragon Quest XI: Speaking of grinding, this is the one that might take me a while to beat, and I may end up changing it for something else, but I decided to mention it anyway, just to add a bit of pressure and force myself to take this seriously. This game is a must for any fan of the genre and the Switch port is praised by everyone, I’ve played around 5 hours of it and it is barely getting started, I’m liking it so far.

These are all games I own myself. There are others that I have borrowed and want to beat as well, such as Breath of The Wild, and Triangle Strategy, but I am not counting those games towards that 5 I gotta beat as requirement, since I don’t own them, and I am also closer to finishing them than the others anyway.

This is day 94 of #100DaysToOffload.


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