Creation, consumption, and stuff

Some thoughts on my content consumption and what I think about those terms.

One of the latest posts by Manuel Moreale is Consumption to Creation Ratio, which was shared by some friends on my timeline and praised quite a bit, so I decided to read it, and I gotta say, I recommend it too!

However, something made me feel a bit icky about it, not the writing itself or the idea behind it, but a word that to me, is almost uncofortable for some reason.


In this specific context, I feel like this word is almost a swear word to me, I don’t like it, I don’t want to say I “consume” content. In fact, I don’t like referring to the “content” as such either to be honest.

Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely times when I “consume”, whenever I scroll on social media, and read a few words in a random post, or whenever I watch a YouTube Short of a topic I don’t care about just because it is mildly interesting to me, knowing very well it’s not worth it, and forgetting about it after scrolling down.

However, more than just consumption. I think being mindful of whatever I’m watching, reading, playing or enjoying, should be called something more than just “consuming”.

I think the best word for it would be nourishing.

Consuming to me, is like eating, maybe it’s not junk food or desserts, but you are just doing it because you need to. But nourishing rings a little different in my head, it means something that helps you get nutrients, keeps you healthy, and helps you grow, it is more purposeful and leads you to be a better person and improve your state of mind.

So now I wonder, what would be the ratio, between what I consume, what I nourish, and what I create? To be continued… maybe?

This is day 52 of #100DaysToOffload, and post 20 for #WeblogPoMo2024.


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