Borrowing games from friends

In the age of subscriptions and digital stores, physical media has lost traction, and I feel like it still has many advantages, like being able to play the games your friends own!

I don’t think I’ve made a post specifically about my Nintendo Switch, I should probably make a review about it here. But today I wanted to talk about the way I’ve been playing games and having a lot of fun on it. A review shall come later.

I have two friends who already own a Switch, and guess what? they have a lot of games! I’ve been playing Breath of The Wild for the first time, and having a total blast playing it at my own pace, this is because one of my friends who owned it had completed it years ago, and has a few games of his own that he’s focusing on instead, giving me plenty of time to play without worry. He also lended me his copy of Metroid Dread, which is what I’m currently focusing on, since it is a much shorter game.

Physical media is awesome like that. My other friend let me borrow Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Link’s Awakening, Animal Crossing and even his copy of Super Mario’s 25th anniversary trilogy, featuring Super Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy!

What can I say? I have great friends, and a huge backlog of stuff to play now, without paying one peso. Now I also acquired my first physical game in the form of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and we all have had great moments racing and trying out the new battle modes too! I am not the best, but I managed to beat them a couple times, and enjoy some awesome local multiplayer gaming, which is getting not as common nowadays.

Smash Bros screen featuring a 6 player battle
Smash Bros screen featuring a 6 player battle

Regardless, I don’t want to write too much this time around, I want to catch up on this challenge! this is day 57 of #100DaysToOffload


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