Writing a blog from the terminal
I have decided to try and write a blog on Nvim, it is quite easy until it is not, but I will get used to it
So, up until now I have been using Typora, a markdown text editor that I decided to use, mainly because of the spell checking capabilities that it offers.
Most other editors, like Gedit, which is the GUI editor I use for most simple things, doesn’t really offer any way to check for errors, and even though I try to type correctly, sometimes I just miss a letter, or an accent (Especially because I do most of my homework and note taking in Spanish, English is too easy in comparison).
So anyways, I have decided to try and do this blog using Neovim and only that, with the help of a few external programs to help me deal with the caveats that using terminal editor brings.
Some plugins and external programs later…
I installed a few plugins that I saw in some videos, such as Goyo and Limelight, that are supposed to help focus on typing and only that (I am struggling to get Limelight to work with the Nord color scheme, I will sort it out later). But I have seen a few others that can do more powerful stuff, like prettifying tables made with pipes and such, as well as automatically hiding markdown elements like *italics*
and __boldness__
, as well as [hyperlinks](https://https://joelchrono.xyz)
. But I am currently seeing all of this pretty clearly.
Also, I found a pretty epic terminal utility called Aspell, which is quite a life-saver, since, as its name implies, it is pretty useful to check for mistakes and errors in this text.
All I have to do is install the right dictionaries, and run the following command:
$ aspell -l en_US --mode markdown -c file.md
And that will look for mistakes and correct them in case there are any, as you can see in this screenshot:

To be honest, I just wanted to have something to type right now. Since I have been a little busy with University and was struggling to keep up with my blog.
Now I am going to share a little screenshot of how this setup looks, because why not?

So, yeah this was not that hard to do, there are still some things I have to figure out, luckily, most of these tools will also be useful for my homework workflow so, that’s a win for me! This has been day 21 of #100DaystoOffload
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