August 2022 Summary

After going back to school, I did reduce my media consumption just a little bit. Here's how August went.

A lot happened this month, not a lot of new podcasts, not a lot of new manga, no books, maybe a couple movies and also playing some videogames. I will also do a completed and work in progress section for each category, since I feel it will be more organized, I will edit the older summaries accordingly once I get the time.


This month I listened to 103 hours of podcasts. Here are some new additions to my feed.

The Ten Minute Bible Hour is an interesting bible study that looks at the Bible, chapter by chapter in little more than 10 minutes per episode. It sounds boring to some, but the host manages to keep it fun and its also not focused on preaching or forcing ideas on you, so atheists and non-religious people rejoice. I have listened to 48 episodes.

Other than that, I’ve mostly listened to the next episodes of Podcasts I’ve mentioned already.


Manga is really fast and easy to consume, it’s one of my favorite ways of entertainment lately xD


  • Eyeshield 21: This was awesome, pretty much all of my thoughts of this manga were shared in July, it was a joy to read, some really nerve-wracking moments were felt many times. All the characters and players are amazing. Just give it a read already.

In progress

  • Blue Lock: This is not your tipical soccer manga, and its not your tipical sports manga either. Blue Lock is a special training program made for the specific purpose of making Japan win a World Cup, by developing a single player out of 300 high schoolers, who will lead them to victory, a striker.

    Someone who is not just all “let’s all team up and work together”, someone who uses his teammates to satisfy his own ego, someone who does not want to be famous or rich, but has his sight set on being the best in the World. This manga is so good, I feel like its impact will actually change the way Japan’s soccer’s played in the future.

    I’ve read up to chapter 110.

  • The Way of the House Husband: A fun slice of life manga starring an ex-Yakuza guy who met a girl and now has decided to dedicate his life to (insert manga title here). Very funny moments and charming characters. Not as ground breaking as the latter, but nice nonetheless. I’ve read up to chapter 41.

I am still catching up with a lot of the manga that is still being published, which I’ve mentioned in previous summaries.


I watched the new Minions movie with my family, it was kinda funny and I appreciate it being an hour and a half, if you got kids or something I recommend it. Nothing too special to be honest.


I recently went local with my music, and I do scrobble it to ListenBrainz, but I haven’t changed my consumption that much.

I can recommend the album Love Trip by Takako Mamiya, which I recently added to my playlist.

Screen time

Due to school, the time I watched videos got significantly reduced. Due to social service, the time I read manga, got quite high too.

Phone usage

  • I used Tachiyomi, my manga reader, for 58 hours.
  • I used Newpipe for 43 hours.
  • I used Tusky for 22 hours and Infinity for Reddit for only 10, nice!
  • I started using Signal more often thanks to some Fediverse friends who I can talk with now. 8 hours.

Laptop usage

I had setup activity watch on my laptop for a while, but I had not added good categories to have it working nice.

  • I used Firefox for 79 hours, some of them were in:
    • 23 hours on Youtube
    • 10 hours on Fosstodon
    • 8 hours on self-hosted stuff (Mostly FreshRSS)
  • I played Minecraft for 7 hours.
  • I use Joplin for 3 hours.

Finishing up

So yeah that’s pretty much it, expect me to play a lot more Minecraft soon since I got a server now.

Read Blue Lock, read Eyeshield 21, they made wanna play sports again.


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