Week Notes W45

What a better time to start doing week notes than when another friend starts at the same time! Now I don't have to remember which week number is next!

Even though I don’t really have a writer’s block like my friend @JP, I have always been interested in week notes as something that I jut gotta write constantly, and since he just started doing it, I may as well do it too.

I already have a kinda similar series named What Interested Me Today—with no tag for it specifically for some reason. I will keep it for those days when a lot of things happen in a day that are not yet developed into a single post even if they may become one in the future. The same will be true here,but for the whole week, probably, since that’s just how I roll! Let’s get started!

I’ll probably steal Jedda’s style for these, since I like the emojis.

  • 🏭 There will be a Gift Exchange coming up at work, and a secret friend dynamic where we’ll get candy and snacks for each other. We also made a wishlist of stuff for an upcoming meet-up to exchange more substantial gifts, with an astonishing value of up to 25 USD! 🎉 Honestly tho, I listed a few books, and mentioned I could pay the difference if it exceeds the price, so I hopefully get two books. I’m a secret friend of someone I don’t even interact with though, so we’ll see how that goes.
  • 🎮 I recently ordered a new game controller for both my Switch and my Laptop, it’s an 8bitdo Ultimate 2C. I got the mint colored one from AliExpress and should arrive at some point soon.
  • 🥪 I think I have eaten the same food too many times at work, I need to get my own lunch at home more often.

🕹 Playing

  • I’ve been playing Monster Hunter Rise with a friend I met recently online, it is so fun to get someone into this game, It is such a joy to play, and it’s really fun to see the novices get thrown around by monsters, but still get back up and improve over time, I want to play more soon!
  • I got into a bit of Marvel Snap again on my phone, this card game is great! The matches are short but still so satisfying.

📖 Reading

  • I started Caliban’s War today! The second book of The Expanse, I read the prologue and will hopefully finish it before the end of the month.
  • I finished Leviathan Wakes, by James SA Corey, first book of The Expanse and wrote my thoughts about it in a review I shared yesterday.
  • I finished Black Easter, by James Blish, it was a rather nice book honestly, a totally different style and themes to The Expanse, but still a good read, my review is coming soon too. The book treats Magic as an Art and Science, and it’s about a magician contracted by an arms dealer to unleash all the demons from Hell at the same time for a few hours. The whole thing is incredibly interesting, it’s not for everyone, but still.
  • The only manga I read this week was Jujutsu Kaisen, and I’m close to the end of the Shibuya Incident arc, and will get ahead of the anime soon enough.

This is day of #100DaysToOffload


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